So camp has been absolutely exhausting, and wonderful at the same time. I have been an awful blogger, since the fact that every time I get home I pass out. But its been really cute, the kids have such crazy personalities. Other than camp my cousin is been staying with me, and I am going to start babysitting a lot of kids from camp as well. But this past weekend I went to Kent falls, a water fall in my town. I had a picnic with my friend and cousin and swam in the water fall which was nice. I also got a new really nice nose ring, and am planning on keeping this one in for a while. Since my nose ring has been a big pain lately. But my big search has been to find a pair of lace up ankle boots for fall. I saw the BEST vintage brown suede pair at goodwill, and they didn't fit be one size. So ever since I have been looking for a pair. Its hard since the ones I have found on the internet have been really granny like or intense hipsterish. But these ones at goodwill where amazing they kinda had a riding boot vibe. I like Dr Martens but these where not as combat boot like. So If anyone knows where to get a pair let me know. Here's some close examples. Ebay
U sound like u really enjoy the's wonderful that they have a positive place to spend the summer...